Thursday, August 6, 2009

Speak English and Filipino with Kindness

Why do we need to speak English and Filipino if we are just there in Region I, Ilocos Sur with our language Iloco and just talking with another Ilocano people? And why do we need to be kind in just speaking in our own language?
People need to speak English or Tagalog for them to enhance their skills in speaking. Remember that other people don't know how to speak our dialect and you are forced to talk Tagalog our Philippine language or English our International Language. Filipino people who don't know how to speak English and even Tagalog are now increasing and we must stop this growth rate already. We should know how to speak these languages. And not only that, we must enlarge our skill in speaking specially English. Now a days there are more Filipino people who are working abroad for other jobs. But how can we live on other country if we don't know how speak even English? So we must be aware of it.
Learn how to speak and have a kindness talking to other people so that they will also respect you to use the said language.

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